I am a Girl and Dental surgeon both. Whether I should marry an Engineer or MBA ????
Well well well!
This is a question most doctors in general and Dental surgeons in particular face. Especially Girls.
And l want parents read this because it is them who generally find match for kids in India.
I want to answer this Q' s by asking few counter questions .
Q.1: Why you studied Dentistry?
Ans. a) You wanted a doctors TAG.
b) You (or your parents) wanted to get a good matrimonial proposal because you will be a Doctor.
c) You really wanted to bring some difference in field of medicine by your talent. Dentistry became your passion off late.
d) You did it because this was the second best option being a Medical student in 10+2.
If you did Dentistry because of reasons a,b or d then you are free to marry anybody. It will bring no difference to your life whether you marry a Engineer, Doctor or MBA.
Q.2: Whether you want to pursue MDS or not??
Ans. It is very obvious that if you did BDS for reasons a,b or d then it is rare possibility you will go for MDS. Again doing MDS will have least affect on whether you want to marry a doctor or anybody else.
Q.3: Do you want to work after marriage and contribute in medicine or just have fun in the in laws merc or beamer?
Ans. If you want to enjoy life rather than having a busy hectic fulfilling life, then it makes no difference to whom you get married to.
Now the important discussion: how taking BDS seriously or pursuing for MDS or wanting to contribute to dentistry and family by working after marriage should affect your choice for a perfect matrimonial match ?
Then answer is simple. Irrespective of whether you are boy or a girl , if you took your BDS seriously it is obvious you will want to work after marriage. Especially for girls. And we are humans and we don't work to work but we work to get paid. Paid in money, to get paid in repute and to get paid in recognition. There is common phrase in English that you don't study science to make money. But it is also a hard fact that science is the highest grossing and contributing stream to study.
Then as simple as that: get BDS and start your practice. It may seem simple buthe Indian parents delay opening the clinic for their girls because they don't know where they will be married. then what???
Case 1. A young beautiful girl who took loads of interest in BDS and who obviously wants to pursue a beautiful career after marriage, gets married to an Engineer/MBA/Bank manager/Army officer.
What will be the consequences: a happy married life for both but the career of girl ruined. Because all these professions are transferable in nature whereas the girl needs stability for her practice to grow. She cannot keep changing her practice from one city to another. Clinic is not a scooter or a TV that you pack it and move it. Above all dentistry is a very local Service. Hence if you move you loose. Also it is usually not possible for girls to stay back and run their clinic and her husband moving out to different city. This is especially not posibble in case new couples. so what option a girl is left with?? She is left with working in private clinics and get salary which is not at all satisfactory. Why it is not satisfactory? Being a private practitioner who has 17 dental surgeons in team, i feel i can explain this easily. When a newly wed girl comes to my clinic for job, it is really uncertain how many months or weeks she will continue. She has multiple responsibilities and I doubt that at what number in her responsibility priority list she keeps my clinic. Plus married girls who have parents in different city need frequent leaves to meet them. Then there is pregnancy and related maternity leave. Gosh ! Looking at all these cons of hiring a married lady surgeon I will always start with her by offering a very poor salary.

HOLA ! Frustration and Agony.
CASE 2: A young beautiful girl who took loads of interest in BDS and who obviously wants to pursue a beautiful career after marriage, gets married to a SHOPKEEPER/ SHOWROOM OWNER/ BUSINESS MAN/ RESTAURANT OWNER/ FACTORY OWNER/ COSMETIC SHOP OWNER/ CAR GARAGE OWNER/ BEAUTY SALON OWNER/ LAB TECHNICIAN
GOSH! What will be the consequences.... A Happy Married Life and A Beautiful Career for the GIRL as A Dental Surgeon, but whether she will be having the same amount of respect in the family.
A Guy who is a businessman and earns good, will definitely have a stable occupation. He is not that vulnerable to transfers. He may have an EXTRA PIECE of LAND or an Empty SHowroom for you to open up your own CLINIC. WOWWWWWWW> but all thing good ends there.
A rich super settled guy will need your salary the least. And as your skills as Dental Surgeon helps him least in his business hence your skills will always be an useless asset to him. Barring few exceptions, he will always want you to be a good wife first and i strictly mean a Good Housewife.
All these things may look good and fairy tale sort in initial 2 years of marriage. What after that???? You as a DOctor who always wanted to excel in life and in career will be shattered to find yourself in the vicious cycle of: GOOD FIANCE--------> Good Wife------> Good Daughter in Law-------> Good Mother--------->Very Good Mother--------> The Best Mother------------> The best mother of TWO --------------------> Good Host at Kitty-------------------> BLA BLA BLA
What about being A GOOD DOCTOR ---------> A VERY GOOD DOCTOR-------> THE BEST DOCTOR --------------> THE BEST DOCTOR OF TWO (CLINICS) lol
Case 3: A young beautiful girl who took loads of interest in BDS and who obviously wants to pursue a beautiful career after marriage, gets married to a Struggling Dental Surgeon or MBBS.
What will be the consequence: Scenario 1: If you both taste success, your better half will always give you at least 40 % credit. May be more. You will have a very Good life and a lavish lifestyle.

the fairy tale has just started...................................... and they lived their lives happily together ever after.
Scenario 2: If you both dont succeed... Well that is not possible. In a country like INDIA, with WHO estimates that by 2025 there will be 24 Crore Edentulous people around, there is no possibility of you not making it large..
Well Well WEll! I meet many girls through my personal contact programmes and Orientation Seminar, and when i ask their probability of marrying a Dental Surgeon, most of them give me same expression:

as if i was trying to ruin her life. Most young ladies think that Dentistry in specific and Medical in general is a field of NERDS and Medicos start earning money when they have wrinkles and are bald. Also that some feel this field is for retards or those who were not able to get Medicine were forced to take Dentistry.....
Yes Partially true. Dentists and Medicos are top brains in the country. For Every 3 Non Medical Students there is 1 Engineering College seat but for every 112 Medical Student (10+2) there is 1 Medical Seat. WOAH !
Yes true that Dentist Starts earning late.... Very True, because they are not salaried but entrepreneur and every business takes time to boom. But once you establish yourself, the sky is the limit. Medicine and Healthcare is the most booming industry and provide recession proof career opportunity.
I am 28 years old, 5 years in clinical practice as on 20th of October 2015 and my name is Dr Aman Singh. I am from a middle class family. I started my clinic in a rented showroom at a budget of Rs 6 lakhs in a sub urb. Today 5 years down the line I make more than half a million per month. Mind you this clinic is 2700 km from my hometown and i had no one from my known in near periphery when i started. I own 3 clinics now and have 8 Dental Chairs working. We see 70 to 80 Patients daily. I will tell you one more interesting fact about medicine as a career. It is among those career options where you earn more as you get old.
So go my beautiful Dentist girls, marry a Medico. They are the best dressed best behaved and the most polite kind of people. They have better hygiene and better eating and drinking habits. Although they may have annoying work timings but yes that is what they being paid for...
I would like to clarify that this articles reflect my personal opinion and i may be wrong. But as far as my experience as a teacher mentor and career counselor is concerned i believe in what i wrote and every father who has a dental surgeon daughter and every girl who aspires to be or is a dental surgeon should read this article and think twice.
Thanks for you time. Love you all.
Dr Aman Singh.