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- Childhood Development / Unconscious Mind / Personality / Inner Conflicts / Motivation / Sexual Desires / Social Activity / Job Choice / Feminism?
- ID
If Psychology is a study of the Mind; then Psycho-analysis is a study of the Unconscious Mind.
OUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND: Is there such a thing? / What goes on within it? According to Freudians, the Mind houses our selfish wishes, private fears, dreams, nightmares, inner conflicts, sexual impulses, childhood desires, incestuous thoughts, etc.
DREAMS: "The Golden Highway to the Unconscious Mind"
- Everyone dreams - whether they know it or not.
- Insight / Eureka! / De je vue! / Ghosts / Madness / Unconscious /
- How can we explain all these bizarre thoughts?
FREUD TRIES TO BRING ALL THESE ASPECTS TOGETHER - Few try, many avoid it, but only FREUD had a go. He was the only one to really venture into these areas.
Freud claimed that the Mind is divided into three parts: ID, EGO, and SUPEREGO. But what do these terms mean? Freud invoked a variety of colourful neologisms to explain them (to his own satisfaction, at least).
ID (Latin = IT) These are unconscious impulses which seek IMMEDIATE expression and gratification - known as THE PLEASURE PRINCIPLE. This aspect of our mind is ANIMAL, PRIMITIVE, ASOCIAL, AMORAL. Obviously a child would not survive long if s/he behaved solely in this selfish manner. Therefore, the next level of the mind grows out of the ID.
EGO This part of the mind mediates between the savage ID and the rules of reality. This is Freud's REALITY PRINCIPLE. The Ego directs the individual's behaviour in two ways: (a) MEDIATES between the greedy ID and harsh reality; and (b) MOTIVATES the individual to gain status and power. By acting in its self-interest, it can then satisfy the demands of the ID. (JR, Dirty Den?)
SUPEREGO This is like a Parental Figure. It sees what the Id and Ego are up to and so suppresses them both. This is the GUILT PRINCIPLE which 'pricks our consciousness' when we do wrong and evil things.
CONFLICT THEORY: In essence there is a CONFLICT between these three parts of the mind:
ID = I want - BIOLOGICAL - Instinct
EGO = I can - PSYCHOLOGICAL - Intelligence
SUPEREGO = I ought - SOCIAL / MORAL - Institutional
The Oedipus Complex is central to Freud's Psycho-analysis. Since he presented it at the start of the 20th.century, it has shaped thinking in the arts and society. How does it work? A boy has an unconscious desire (within the ID) to kill his father and sleep with his mother. But he also fears that his powerful father will act against him = CASTRATION ANXIETY. This dilemma has a double effect: a. the boy represses his erotic feelings toward his mother; and b. he identifies with his father as a powerful figure in order to gain his mother's affection. NOTE: Freud's Theory is good in that if you agree with it, it provides a blue-print against which to understand the complexity of the human mind; but if you disagree strongly, it forces you to devise your own model or ask: How do we come to terms with the phenomena of the human mind - metaphysically or empirically?
ELECTRA COMPLEX For females, Freud crudely reversed the process for girls. That is, she desires to kill her mother and sleep with her father. Her anxiety is that she believes she has already been castrated. Thus girls have PENIS ENVY. She therefore identifies with her mother in order to gain male affection.
In many respects, both these 'complexes' are odd - they explain everything and tell us nothing!
THE CONCEPT OF THE LIBIDO is "a fundamental pleasure-seeking drive which unconsciously motivates us from the moment of our birth". According to Freud, our personality develops through various Psycho-sexual Stages. His revolutionary claim was that sexual desires begin in earliest childhood through the following stages:
- ORAL - during the first year of life the libido is gratified through stimulation of the mucous membrane of the mouth (breast feeding, sucking behaviour).
- ANAL - (2nd / 3rd years) pleasure now gained from anus by excretion and retention of faeces. This is why some psychologists gave great stress to Potty Training in the 1950s. This line of research seems to have fizzled out.
- GENITAL / PHALLIC (3rd / 4th years) erotic pleasure from the genitals. Young boys were once punished if fondled their sex organs.
- LATENCY / FORGETFUL (5 years to puberty) the period when psychosexual desires are inactive or forgotten until puberty.
- PUBERTY - development of normal heterosexual behaviour.
ADULT EMOTIONAL NEUROSES stem from disturbances at any of the above Psycho-sexual stages when Libido energy gets blocked or FIXATED at one of the stages. The greater the level of fixation the greater the problem the patient has in achieving a satisfactory adult emotional relationship. It can result in REGRESSION to earlier psychosexual stage.
Now, being unconscious, the problem which Freud and his followers had was to find ways of analysing the mind. The Freudian Method is to interpret the patient's
- DREAMS - The Golden Highway to the Unconscious
- FREE ASSOCIATION of trivial words
- SLIPS of the TONGUE - Freudian slips
- JOB CHOICE and, of course,
- the patient's NEUROTIC SYMPTOMS.
CRITICISM OF FREUD'S WORK - mainly from the Empirical / Behavioural camps
- UNTESTABLE - All Freud's theories are built upon their own INTERNAL LOGIC which cannot be proved either way. Internally consistent, yes, but externally un-provable. Thus, little or no scientific worth.
- NO PREDICTIVE VALUE - Even if we know that someone had no father figure against whom to compete for his mother's affection, what does that tell us about his future behaviour?
- TINY SAMPLE - Theory not based on a large sample of people, or tested under experimental conditions with control groups, etc. Freud's patients were largely wealthy hysterical Victorian middle-class women in Vienna in the late 1800s. Therefore, from such a narrow group, the theory is applied universally. It is presented as an all-encompassing male-centred theory.
- NEOLOGISMS - Freud invented many new terms, but rarely defined exactly what he meant - thus open to such wide interpretation (but some would see that as its great attraction). The more vague the terms, then the more people are free to apply them to their own needs.
- METAPHYSICAL - abstract throughout - not testable via empirical methods.
- PERSONAL PROJECTION of Freud's own life, fantasies and conflict with his own father (Oedipus Complex).
- UNDERSTANDING the UNCONSCIOUS - Freud deals with the Unconscious mind which he claims can only be understood through dreams, slips of the tongue, etc. But, do we really understand how the Conscious Mind itself works? Answer: No. Therefore, how can something which does not understand itself, begin to interpret what the Unconscious Mind generates (Khristnamurti)?
I like to end on a positive note!
- MULTIPLE LEVELS - He made us aware that the Mind operates at various levels.
- INFANTILE SEXUALITY - Highlighted the importance of infant development and that a child has sexual feelings.
- SOCIAL TABOOS - Took away many social taboos related to sex. We certainly live in a post-Freudian age. There is no going back to a pre-Freudian period.
- SYMBOLIC MEANING - Gave emphasis to the symbolic meaning of objects in human experience (phallic symbols).
- CREATIVITY - Stimulated artistic creativity (Salvador Dali, Modernism).
- STARTING POINT - His controversial theories acted as a viable starting point for much research, especially into childhood psychology. Had Freud not highlighted the Unconscious Mind, someone else would have had to (Walter Mischel, 1968).
The traditional view of Human Development is that once s/he has reached a certain level, it is then FIXED for that person's lifetime. This theory has been applied to characteristics such as:
- The origins of this DOMINANT view began with the Greeks: Plato (400BC), John Locke (1670s), Freud (1910) and Watson (1928). In essence, they state that once a childhood characteristic has been formed it CONTINUES into ADULTHOOD. More recent research, however, seriously undermines that tradition stance (Clarkes, et al).
1. FIXATION can occur with either frustration or overindulgence. For example, during the Oral Stage the child may not receive enough oral gratification, so will fixate on that stage and be inclined to prolong it to make up for lost time. Conversely the child's Unconscious may find this stage so pleasant that there is a reluctance to move on to the next one!
2. REGRESSION occurs in adolescence/adulthood. If, during the genital stage, sexual gratification is not satisfied, the person will then regress to a previous psychosexual stage which was a trouble-free source of gratification. Therefore, if blocked in one's adult aspirations, then a regression will return to a time when gratification was met in childhood development...! It is also possible for there to be Partial Fixation or Regression. So the picture is complex - according to the Freudian view.
ORAL: Over-eating, drinking, smoking, thumb-sucking, nail-biting. Freudians claim that this is why it is difficult for people to stop smoking. When they do, they overeat or chew gum to compensate - thus keeping the mouth busy in other ways. JOBS: Excessive use of vocal cords. People get jobs as college lecturers, public speakers, politicians, selling, broadcasters, preachers, dentists, etc. ANAL FIXATIONS: miserly, tight-fisted people. JOBS: involves mixing or moulding (unconscious link with the faeces), chemist, cook, artist, sculptor, etc. GENITAL / PHALLIC (masturbation): Pre-occupation with one's own body and craving for the parent of the opposite sex. Highly self-centred, insecure in their sex role identity. This may lead to either homosexuality or an excessive show of masculinity / femininity. Sexuality is exaggerated, but in a shallow way. Phallic regressives exploit others and avoid deep inter-personal relationships. JOBS: authorship of erotic literature (this involves sexuality, but avoids the involvement with others). Male surgeons are trying symbolically to castrate their father; while female surgeons searching for the penis!! LATENCY: regression to the 'resting stage' between the main gratification phases. This involves non-sexual aggressive expressions of instincts. JOBS: scientists who direct energy away from sexual conquests into intellectual struggles; volunteers who fight for charitable causes. Nuns / Monks?
4. THREATS TO THE EGO - three sources:
REALITY ANXIETY - environment not always friendly. NEUROTIC ANXIETY - Id impulses may get out of control and be severely punished by society. MORAL ANXIETY - Superego suppression would bring all behaviour to a halt because so ridden with guilt. Under attack from these three sources, the ego's best defence is to arrive at a compromise between all the forces by allowing the ID indirect expression (in a disguised, symbolic form). This does not offend the SUPEREGO. Guilt reduced, EGO maintained, and self-esteem enhanced in the eyes of the world (reality).
CONCLUSION: Freudian Psycho-analysts seem to be in a Win : Win situation. That is, heads they win, tails you loose. Either way, their clients pay. Delving into the past can go on forever and forever - and still get nowhere. The present is overshadowed by the past and the future is bleak. Where are the positive results from decades of treatment? Is Freud a fraud?
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