Monday 7 January 2013

B school

MCQs 1 - 10
Endodontics: Infection Control and Coronal Seal
The number of people who got each question right when these questions were trialled is shown as a percentage. If you disagree with an answer, put your case in the discussion board at the page bottom.

1. What is an amalcore? 62%
- 1An amalgam restoration that enters and plugs the canal orifice(s)   - RIGHT. Well done. An amalcore is an excellent way of sealing a root canal - the seal is provided by the amalgam corrosion products
- 2A cast post with an amalgam on top of it  - WRONG.
- 3A pinned amalgam core for a crown - WRONG. 
- 4An amalgam that covers the entire occlusal surface of the tooth - WRONG. 

2. Why is infection control so especially important in endodontics ? 82%
- 1To prevent cross-infection of the operator and nurse - WRONG.
- 2To allow healing of the peri-radicular tissues  - RIGHT. Well done! Every aspect of endodontics is ultimately aimed at reducing infection to allow healing of the peri-radicular tissues. Normal cross-infection precautions apply to all aspects of dentistry.
- 3To prevent the patient picking up infection from previous patients  - WRONG. 
- 4To reduce New Variant CJD transmission - WRONG. Although a trendy topic (2007), there is no evidence of vCJD transmission having occured during endodontic treatment. 

3. What is meant by aseptic technique? 39%
- 1Working in a field as near sterile as possible - WRONG.
- 2Limiting infection to the patient's own oral bacteria - WRONG.
- 3Ensuring all micro-organisms are removed or killed as part of the procedure - WRONG. 
- 4Not introducing any micro-organisms to the canal that weren't already there before you started - RIGHT. Well done! 

4. Which is NOT a function of Rubber Dam?  53%
- 1Preventing saliva contamination - WRONG.
- 2Improving visibility - WRONG.
- 3Confining excess irrigants - WRONG. 
- 4Making access to the pulp chamber easier - RIGHT. Well done! Access to the pulp chamber can be more difficult with dam, as the dam can mask the shape of the tooth, causing one to accidentally drill away from the long axis of the tooth. 
- 5Improving patient comfort - WRONG. 
- 6Reducing medicolegal liability  - WRONG. 

5. True or false? Excellent mechanical instrumentation will remove virtually all the infected tissue from the root canal system. 66%
- 1True - WRONG.
- 2False - RIGHT. Well done! Mechanical instrumentation will not remove infected tissue such as lateral canals, inter-canal bridges, and intra-tubular spread of bacteria.

6. What strength of Sodium Hypochlorite (bleach) is used for canal irrigation?
- 11% - WRONG.
- 22% - RIGHT. Well.done! Although 5% is better at emulsifying pulp tissue, it is now considered too caustic to be used safely.
- 35% - WRONG. 
- 410% - WRONG. 
- 520% - WRONG. 
- 650% - WRONG. 

7. What intra-canal medication should normally be placed in the canal between visits? 58%
- 1Ledermix (combined anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory)  - WRONG. This is only used in exceptional circumstances, e.g. to control acute infection.
- 2Hypocal - RIGHT. Well done! Hypocal is non-setting Calcium Hydroxide.
- 3Dycal or Life - WRONG. These Calcium Hydroxide preparations set too hard to be useful as a canal medication 
- 4Para-chloro-mono-phenol (PCMP)  - WRONG. This is a last-century disinfectant 
- 5Paper point - WRONG. 

8. When irrigating with bleach, how far should the needle be inserted? 65%
- 1Into the pulp chamber only - WRONG.
- 28mm from the apex - WRONG.
- 3To the point just before it just binds on the canal walls, but must be short of the working length - RIGHT. It must not bind, or bleach could be pressurised through the apex. Bleach is introduced further down with a file. 
- 4to the working length - WRONG. 

9. Which of these does bleach NOT do? 70%
- 1Lubricate the canal - WRONG.
- 2Dissolve organic debris - WRONG.
- 3Kill bacteria - WRONG. 
- 4Wash out debris - WRONG. 
- 5Dissolve sclerosed dentine  - RIGHT. Well done! To dissolve sclerosed dentine in ultra-thin canals, you need a chelating agent like EDTA (e.g. File-Eeze or Glide)

10. What needle is used for delivering bleach when irrigating a canal?  55%
- 1Side venting wide bore - WRONG.
- 2Side venting narrow bore - RIGHT. Well done! The needle is blunt ended, and the hole is at the side, to prevent bleach being squirted through the root apex
- 3End venting wide bore - WRONG. 
- 4End venting narrow bore - WRONG.

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